Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Journalfest: Lost a Pin

Well I'm back from Journalfest and still recovering from the time change. I have yet to unpack my artwork and art supplies, since I've had laundry and other chores to see to and of course I had to go back to work on Monday. I did notice that I am missing something very dear to my heart. A little pin that I had on my journal bag, which I've drawn a picture of above. I've had this pin for at least 20 years. I lost it on Saturday at Fort Worden, somewhere between Dorm 225 and the Commons area I think. I loose pins all the time, but this one was special. If you have found Jasper, please let me know. I would really like to arrange a homecoming for the little guy.
I will start posting more about my adventures at Journalfest in the next few days. I had a really great time. My world is a better place thanks to Teesha and Tracy Moore, and all the great folks at Journalfest (and Artfest).


  1. Hi Dianne, it was nice to meet you at Journalfest. Wasn't it a great experience? I loved it. As for your rabbit, I talked with the lady that found it (unfortuately I don't know her name). She was wearing it around hoping that someone would recognize it. She is a nice lady and she hoped to get it back to you. She said she was going to let Teesha know that she had it in case someone asked her about it. So, you may want to check with Teesha, maybe she knows where the bunny is. Hope that helps, he sure is cute!

  2. I talked to the lady who found him too - she was trying to find his owner. Did you ever wind up getting reunited with the bunny? I hope so :-)

  3. I have spoken with the woman who found Jasper. He will soon be on his way back to me. I'm am amazed at the power of the Internet, and touched by the spirit of kindness that make up the attendees of Journalfest (and Artfest too for that matter.) Thank you to everyone that helped me find my little black bunny pin. I will post a picture when he makes his homecoming appearance.
